The 14th International Conference on Oriental Carpets (ICOC) was held in Washington DC from June 7 -10, 2018 in collaboration with the Textile Museum and the George Washington University Museum.
The exhibitions included ikats from the Guido Goldman collection at both the Textile Museum and the Smithsonian Institution’s Sackler Museum, other Central Asian carpets and textiles, costumes of Chinese minorities and diverse rugs and textiles from other weaving cultures.
Events began on Thursday 7 June with tours of exhibitions and local textile storage and conservation facilities, followed by an evening reception at the Dealers’ Fair.
Academic sessions on Friday and Saturday included sessions on Central Asian rugs and textiles as well as modern trends in carpet and textile scholarship, new attributions, carpet discoveries and recoveries and carpet and textile collecting and museums.
A show and tell session of collectors’ pieces was held on Sunday, followed by a post-conference tour. The International Dealers’ Fair remained open from Thursday afternoon through Sunday afternoon.